Gallery +359, in cooperation with BUNA: Forum for Contemporary Art Varna presents:
Gönül Nühoğlu
26-27 may 2023

The fact that people have to leave the lands where they were born and grew up due to differences of belief, armed conflicts, natural disasters, political and economic reasons is an event as old as the history of humanity. In the last century, the increasing conflict environment, ethnic and faith-based violence, human rights violations and economic crises have led to an increase in the number of people who migrate and seek asylum.

War, hunger, poverty, conflict, internal confusion. These reasons affect the children’s lives most. As a result of negativity and inhuman treatment, millions of children cannot live in their own homes, live in their homeland, get education and live in healthy conditions like their peers. The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey is 3.594.232 by 2018 and 47.39% of registered Syrians in Turkey in the 0-18 age range.

In Turkish culture, carpet, going beyond being a household item, is also a part of cultural identity. The person who weaves the carpet; gives an identity to it by a pattern of its own. Carpet means home and life and rose means plurality in mysticism.. A carpet for a hope …a better life for all children.

She was born in 1961 in Istanbul and graduated 1983 from the Department of Management at Boğaziçi University; 1998 from Marmara University, Department of English. She has been working as an executive manager 1996 – 2018 Painting and Sculpture Museums Association , RHMD, Vice Peredisent,1999 – İstanbul Art Foundation, Founder member, 2002 – 2003 Istanbul Plastic Arts Association, General Secretary 2011 -2018 – İstanbul Art Foundation, President.
Between 1995-2023, she held solo exhibitions both in Turkey and abroad, participated in international exhibitions and fairs, group exhibitions and international workshops.

Awards: 1995 – 16th Contemporary Artists Exhibition, Painting and Sculpture Museums, Istanbul, Achievement Award, 2008 – Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum Collection, Istanbul, 2015 – Arte Laguna Prize 14, Special Prize, Italy, 2015 – OPEN 18, PDG Arte Communications, Venice, Italy, 2015 – Yinchuan Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Collection, China , 2015- Polimeks Collection, Odunpazarı modern Museum (OMM), 2017- KVK Collection.

Her works are owned by private collections and museums such as: Polimeks Collection, Odunpazari Modern Museum (Omm) 2019, Yinchuan Museum Of Contemporary Art ( Moca), Istanbul Painting And Sculpture Museum, Ali – Nevbahar Koç Collection, Kvk Collection.