“Marlboro, the real fucker” series – Borach
collage, pencil, oil pastel, pigment liner on paper/ 21×30 cm/ 2008

The emerging artist
pencil, oil pastel on paper/ 35×50 cm / 2008

“Marlboro, the real fucker” series – Silencio
collage, pencil, oil pastel, pigment liner on paper/ 21×30 cm/ 2008
Ecce’ translates the Hebrew word ‘hinne’. In the version of the Septuagint, ‘hinne’ is rendered… colloquial in character, cognate with the verb ‘to see’ and used much like “look!” in modern English to catch the ear of a listener… The translators of the Septuagint associated the term above all with prophetic dreams and visions. ‘’This’, Saint Jerome was to write, ‘was why the prophets were called seers videntes’…“
Carlo Ginzburg, Wooden Eyes
a Bulgarian language translation by Valentin Kalinov and Todor Petkov, published by KX – Critique and Humanism Publ. House

“The course of systemаtic change … depends to a great extent on how society, social groups and individuals adjust to large-scale challenges. This leads to the topos of “self-transformation”, which is not limited to successful adaptation, but can also contain open or hidden resistance. Since 2008-9, with the exception of a few happy countries, Europe has been living with the practical experience of a continuing crisis, or, in any, case with a permanent awareness of crisis. “
Philip Ter, The New Order of the Old Continent
edition of KH – Critique and Humanism
translated from German: Silvia Vasileva
About the drawings in #Stateofexception
The drawings, generally combined into several series: ‘Marlboro, the Better Fucker’ and ‘Cash’, were made in late 2008 during the Christmas holidays, at the beginning of the previous economic crisis, when I was very worried and honest to admit – very scared because I felt my world falling apart.
I am very grateful to this social and economic turbulence which has generally rearranged my priorities and ‘immunized’ me. Unwillingly, I realized that although one feels fear of the unknown,no one really dies of starvation. And now, in the context of the new excitement, somehow miraculously, I feel light as a feather. Calm and NOT worried at all.
Crises are needed in the modern age, regardless of their size, scope and nature, – a system bot that maintains order in the system and the necessary level of anxiety. They do not and cannot have a solution – they are simply postponed and / or moved temporally and geographically. Carrot and stick in one. Every visual artist or illusionist knows that the real battle is for “human attention.”
“Attention is the focus of consciousness on a particular object. To be careful means, in a sense, to close ourselves off to the outside world in order to focus on what interests us. Experiments with cats allowed to prove what is happening on a neurophysiological level. First, the animal makes short sounds (tapping), registering the nerve impulse in his ear. Then a mouse is shown to him: the perception of the knocks weakens. The cat’s interest in the mouse, which leads to focusing on it, limits the cat’s auditory potential. As soon as the mouse is removed, the read potentials of the nerve impulses return to normal. Therefore, there was a relative and temporary retention of nerve stimulation, with the higher structures (the cerebral cortex) acting directly on the lower ones. Schematically, attention can be divided into two major categories: volitional attention, which depends on the individual and his motivation, and involuntary attention, attracted by the external environment due to the special organization of the perceptual field in which a particular object stands out. / Wikipedia /
Georgi Georgiev – Jorrras is born in 1975 in Sofia. He graduated in graphic art from the National Academy of Art in Sofia. He works primarily in the field of the contemporary art: painting, drawing, object and installation artwork.
His work has received numerous awards and nominations. In 2006, he was awarded the Second Prize in Painting in the St. Cyril and St. Methodius International Foundation’s Young Artists, Art Critics, and Curators Contest; Prize for a young Bulgarian artist, Association Art Dialogue- Paris (2004). Nominated for BAZA Award for contemporary art (2009); Sofia City Award for visual art (2009); Gaudenz B. Ruf Award (2007).
Some of his individual exhebitions are: H O T E L, Plus 359 Gallery, Sofia (2019); O.N., A-cube Contemporary, Sofia (2016); And so on…,Basement Gallery, Vienna (2010); Long live the King, Sariev Gallery, Plovdiv (2009); THE BUSINESS COMES, Vaska Emanouilova Gallery, Sofia (2009); One, National Art Gallery Sofia, (2006)
He participated in Redefining the space of everyday, Gaia Gallery, Istanbul (2015); Unlimited–Award for contemporary Bulgarian art of M-tel, Sofia (2011); A borderline situation: the drawing in modern-day art”, Industrialna 11 Gallery, Sofia and BIC, Prague (2009); Reflections of TomorrowCenter for Contemporary Art Plovdiv, The Ancient Bath (2009); 1989–2009/20 Years After, MOYA – Museum of young art, Vienna (2009); MOBILITY: Veletržní palace, National Art Gallery Prague and Perve Gallery, Lisbon (2008).
Works and lives in Sofia.
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